

Regular price $49.00
Regular price Sale price $49.00

This bundle includes two 200g bags (whole bean) of our Ehtiopian Amber Koke, and our Timor Leste Laclo.

Ethiopia - Amber Koke

Flavour profile. Banana, Rock Melon, Mandarin Citrus, and a rich brown sugar sweetness is what this coffee has to offer. This coffee is one of our favourites from Ethiopia, such a bright, juicy and thick flavour profile. This ethiopian creates amazing pour overs, turbo shots that taste balanced and sweet, and floral, juicy cold brew.


Timor Leste Laclo

Timor-Leste, an independent nation rich in diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, is shaped by its mountainous and fertile landscapes. Home to resilient communities, this country produces coffee with distinct flavours that reflect its unique terrain. Through close partnerships with local farmers, we are proud to share the essence of these highlands with you.

ROASTERS NOTES : Strawberries, Cherry, Orange acidity and Sweet Toffee!!!! We love supporting Aileu & Orijem Timor, this harvest has given us a sweet, fruity, and jammy cup.  Amazing on espresso and pourover, this coffee shines in milk drinks, we use them in our white chocolate mochas. Roasted light, amazing for filter and coldbrew.